Inverted Repeats Finder Program written by:

                 Gary Benson
      Department of Biomathematical Sciences
          Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Version 3.05

Sequence: pNF2 2003-09-03
Parameters: 2 3 5 80 10 40 100000 500000 -t7 600000 -d 
Length: 87093
ACGTcount: A:0.16, C:0.35, G:0.34, T:0.16, N:0.00

Found at i: 1607    center: 3155    interval size: 40    g: 1

Alignment explanation

Indices: 1548--1570,1585--1607 Loop: 14 Score: 41 Left Length: 23 Right Length: 23 Average length: 23.0 3 most common centers (desc): 3155 0 0 1538 >> (LF) CAGCACCCCC 1617 << (RF) ACTCGTCCGC 1548 >> GACGACGTCGTCGAGCAGCTGCG >> 1570 1607 << ******G**************** << 1585 Statistics Matches: 22 (95.65%), Mismatches: 1 (4.35%), Indels: 0 (0.00%) ATpairs: 31.82%, CGpairs: 68.18%, GTpairs: 0.00% :i = 1607 tupleindex: 1 intervalindex: 2 matches_in_interval: 35.0000 lowcenter: 3147 highcenter: 3163 testcenter: 3155 im3: 22.0000 frequent_center_ratio*rnkp: 7.6500 Found at i: 84551 center: 168614 interval size: 300 g: 3 Alignment explanation

Indices: 84032--84125,84488--84582 Loop: 362 Score: 60 Left Length: 94 Right Length: 95 Average length: 94.5 3 most common centers (desc): 168614 168615 168612 84022 >> (LF) GGCCGTGCCC 84592 << (RF) GGCGCGCGCC 84032 >> ACCGAGTCGCGCGCGCGGGGCGGGTTCG-GTCGCGCGCGCGAGCGCCCCC-TCGATCACT-GTCGATCGCGCGCG >> 84103 84582 << *****-****A******G**A*T*CT**T**********--****TA**CC******C*CG************** << 84511 84104 >> GCCCG--CGCGCGATGGGCGCGCG >> 84125 84510 << TC***TA******A*G*-****** << 84488 Statistics Matches: 75 (75.76%), Mismatches: 15 (15.15%), Indels: 9 (9.09%) ATpairs: 16.00%, CGpairs: 84.00%, GTpairs: 0.00% :i = 84551 tupleindex: 3 intervalindex: 1 matches_in_interval: 181.0000 lowcenter: 168590 highcenter: 168638 testcenter: 168614 im3: 28.0000 frequent_center_ratio*rnkp: 25.9200 Found at i: 84572 center: 168668 interval size: 160 g: 2 Alignment explanation

Indices: 83969--84176,84488--84698 Loop: 311 Score: 52 Left Length: 208 Right Length: 211 Average length: 209.5 3 most common centers (desc): 168668 168664 168667 83959 >> (LF) TGCGATCGAC 84708 << (RF) TCGCGCTTGA 83969 >> GACCGCGCGCGCGATCACCGTCGCCTCCGCGCGCGACAACGCGCGATCGAACGGGCC-GTGC-C-CA-CCGAGTC >> 84039 84698 << ******G*******-**C*GG***-**-*******C*C***T*-****-*-**G***A****T*C*CC******* << 84630 84041 >> -GCG--CG--CGCGGG-GCGGGTTCGGTCGCGCGCGCGAGCGCCCCCTCGATCACTGTCGATCGCGCGCGGCCCG >> 84108 84629 << G***TA**TA****G*G***T*C-****C**GC***-*AG***C*C*C-**-*-*CT***G**********ACT* << 84560 84109 >> CGCGCGATGGGCGCGCGCGATCGGCGTCC-TCGCGCG-CGATCG-GCGAGACCGGCTT-CG-GATCGCGCGCG >> 84176 84559 << CT**T*AG*G*****T******G*-***CT*******A******G***G**C*G*T*GC**G*A********* << 84488 Statistics Matches: 155 (69.51%), Mismatches: 41 (18.39%), Indels: 27 (12.11%) ATpairs: 15.48%, CGpairs: 84.52%, GTpairs: 0.00% :i = 84572 tupleindex: 2 intervalindex: 2 matches_in_interval: 322.0000 lowcenter: 168650 highcenter: 168686 testcenter: 168668 im3: 27.0000 frequent_center_ratio*rnkp: 21.3900 Found at i: 84618 center: 168737 interval size: 80 g: 2 Alignment explanation

Indices: 84188--84241,84495--84550 Loop: 253 Score: 51 Left Length: 54 Right Length: 56 Average length: 55.0 3 most common centers (desc): 168736 168738 168737 84178 >> (LF) TCGACACCAC 84560 << (RF) CCTGCTCAGC 84188 >> CGCGCGC-CGATCGCGATCGA-CGCCC-TCGGTCGCGCGCGCGACGCTCGCGCGTTC >> 84241 84550 << ******TC*****-**C****A***C*C***T*********T*G**T********** << 84495 Statistics Matches: 46 (80.70%), Mismatches: 7 (12.28%), Indels: 4 (7.02%) ATpairs: 19.57%, CGpairs: 80.43%, GTpairs: 0.00% :i = 84618 tupleindex: 2 intervalindex: 1 matches_in_interval: 140.0000 lowcenter: 168725 highcenter: 168749 testcenter: 168737 im3: 14.0000 frequent_center_ratio*rnkp: 12.7600 Done.